GRM - Josten's offers a discount if you order a yearbook between now and October 25th. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Lombardi at
over 55 years ago, Lisa Sibirtzeff
Jostens page 1
Jostens page 2
Eldred JSHS has taken over Ashokan! The 7th graders got right into activities as soon as they arrived today. Check out the pictures!
over 55 years ago, Michael Conklin
The 7th Graders have made it to The Ashokan Center! Enjoy!!
over 55 years ago, Michael Conklin
7th graders are all set and on their way to The Ashokan Center until Friday! Have fun students!
over 55 years ago, Michael Conklin
VoTech is closed on Thursday, 10/3. Students are only required to attend their classes at JSHS. If you do not have transportation and need to come prior to 6th period, you will be assigned study halls for the morning. Thank you.
6 months ago, Michael Conklin
Congratulations to Modified XC: Aiden Smith and Henry Skully took first and second place against Fallsburg and Manor/Roscoe. Mary Blaut took first
over 55 years ago, Amanda Zgrodek
Congratulations to the modified football team for their 12-6 win over Livingston Manor /Roscoe.
over 55 years ago, Amanda Zgrodek
go Yellowjackets
Let's cheer for the modified football team heading to Livingston Manor for their first game of the season. As well as both varsity and modified cross country for their meets today!! Go Yellowjackets !
over 55 years ago, Amanda Zgrodek
Go Yellowjackets
Go Yellowjackets
October is ADHD Awareness Month. ADHD affects both adults and children. There are many supports that help to increase success in life for individuals with and families affected by ADHD. Go to this link for virtual peer, teen, or adult support groups for those dealing with ADHD:
over 55 years ago, Dr. Bethany England
Congratulations to the girls varsity soccer team for their win over Seward tonight !! Go Yellowjackets!!
over 55 years ago, Amanda Zgrodek
Go Yellowjackets
Congratulations to the Varsity Football team for the 30-20 win over Ellenville! Go Yellowjackets!!
over 55 years ago, Amanda Zgrodek
Go Yellowjackets
Attention Seniors: Please sign up for your Senior Portrait if you haven't done so already or would like a Retake. Any questions regarding this can be directed to Ms. Ross. Thank you!
over 55 years ago, Michael Conklin
Senior Portrait Retakes
Attention Seniors: Please schedule your appointment for your Senior Portrait if you haven't scheduled one yet. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Ross.
over 55 years ago, Michael Conklin
Senior Portrait Retakes
2024 Connection Series - Cornell Cooperative Extension
6 months ago, Lisa Sibirtzeff
2024 Connection Series Flyer
Eldred JSHS Faculty spent the afternoon going through Catch My Breath Training offered by Sullivan 180. We are happy to have such a great partnership with their organization while also learning about an important topic impacting our schools.
over 55 years ago, Michael Conklin
Catch My Breath
It's Back! The GRM PTA's 3rd Annual Read-A-Thon! Students will log how many minutes they spend reading in the month of October. Students will ask friends and family to sponsor them and help raise funds for our PTA. Individual prizes such as tokens for the book vending machine, prize bags and gift certificates are up for grabs for students who register & log minutes. Once again, Mr. Carpentieri, will celebrate at the end of this event by either getting his hair dyed green, being slimed or getting dunked in the dunk tank. Register here: and track minutes on the calendar that was sent home in backpacks.
6 months ago, Jennifer Anderson
Image of green & yellow books stacked on either side of PTA'S announcement of their 3rd annual Read-A-Thon
GRM PTA NEWS: MEMBERSHIP: Join the Mackenzie PTA to support your child and your school! Research shows PARENT INVOLVEMENT in their child's education is the #1 influence for them doing better in school. Anyone can join: parents, grandparents, teachers, aunts, uncles, neighbors, business & community members. JOIN HERE: Mackenzie Spirit Wear Sale Get your Yellowjacket Spirit Wear by visiting The online spirit wear store is open now and will run through October 13 with expected distribution being the last week of October. DON'T DELAY, ORDER TODAY!!
over 55 years ago, Jennifer Anderson
NYS PTA Every Child, One Voice Logo depicting an outline of a red apple with a green leaf with NYS PTA written in blue inside the apple
Green & Yellow image of the word Yellowjacket Pride with the Eldred yellowjacket in the middle
On Thursday, September 19, Eldred JSHS held their annual Open House. Thank you to everyone who came out. A special shoutout to Mrs. Galvin-Bliefernich and her students who provided all kinds of different snacks and hor d'oeuvres for the evening. There was plenty to go around.
over 55 years ago, Michael Conklin
Congratulations to the girls varsity soccer team for their 2-1 Win in over time against Chapel! Victoria Ryman had a an assist and a goal in the 77th min to force ot. Avery Moscatiello had an assist and the game winning goal at the 6 min mark in the first ot period . Goalie Ally Gavin-Bliefernich had 5 saves on 6 shots.
over 55 years ago, Amanda Zgrodek
Go Yellowjackets
GRM PTA Flyer.
over 55 years ago, Lisa Sibirtzeff
PTA Flyer