Hope Squad

Pictured above: JSHS staff members participating in Hope Squad as advisors: Emily Logiudice, Michael Conklin, Kylee Livich; not pictured- Amanda Zgrodek

Sullivan 180 is pleased to announce a partnership with three school districts to implement new mental health initiatives in Sullivan County School Districts. Sullivan 180 will work with Fallsburg and Eldred to implement a three-year Hope Squad Pilot in their middle and high schools. Additionally, Fallsburg, Eldred and Sullivan West schools will be participating in the SHAPE assessment to address their school mental health system.

Sullivan 180, with support from the New York State Office of Mental Health, is hosting a three-year pilot of the Hope Squad program with Fallsburg and Eldred districts at a middle and high school level. Hope Squad is an evidence-based peer-to-peer suicide prevention program built around the power of connection. The program is based on key prevention strategies that reduce the risk of suicide in youth. Students are nominated by their peers to become Hope Squad members; and to learn about mental health from a trained advisor while performing intentional outreach to struggling peers. Staff Hope Squad advisors and student Hope Squad members will work to create active Hope Squads in their schools.

“Peer support makes it more likely for young people to reach out for help when needed,” said Mylene Ortiz, Sullivan 180 Youth Mental Health Program Manager.

SHAPE: School Health Assessment and Performance Evaluation System is a free web-based platform that allows school districts to assess their mental health programs and resources on both a district and building level. SHAPE provides a private workspace that schools can utilize to evaluate and improve the quality of mental health services and supports that are available, while discovering new resources that can benefit our youth. Fallsburg and Eldred will be participating in SHAPE at the middle and high school level. Sullivan West will participate at a district level.

“We are grateful to all the school districts for prioritizing youth mental health and will continue to explore new opportunities to promote mental health and wellness throughout the county,” said Meaghan Mullally-Gorr, Sullivan 180 Director of Health and Wellness.