August 10th Superintendent Letter - Re-Opening Update


August 10, 2020

Dear Eldred Community, 

Recently, Governor Cuomo made several announcements and statements regarding the reopening of schools in New York State.  The Governor stated that “all schools can open.”

First and foremost, this statement is a product of the current infection rates and should not be interpreted to mean that all students will be in school on the first day of school.  The Governor provided for local decision-making that is allowed for the actual reopening of each school district.  We will be scheduling virtual meetings with parents, students, faculty, and staff over the next week.  The meetings will be scheduled at various time slots to further accommodate schedules.  

  • Faculty / Staff Meeting : August 12, 2020 at 11:00 am

  • Parent Meeting 1 : August 13, 2020 (immediately following BOE Meeting @ starting 6pm)

  • Parent Meeting 2 : August 18,19 and 20, 2020 Multiple Building Principal/Parent meetings  (Building Principals will notify Parent)

  • Parent Meeting 3 : August 19, 2020 at 2:00 pm 

*Links for each of the Parent Meetings will be posted on our website.  

Parents who wish to have their child in a virtual setting full time should contact the Building Principal to inform him or her of that decision. Some parents desire that their child attend school daily. We will try to accommodate such requests after two weeks of school. The reason for this is that we are looking for the teachers to tell us how many more, if any students can be added safely to the class.

If any new information becomes available, I will write to you regarding such information.



John C. Morgano Ed.D.